These bladeless devices heat tobacco from the Centre without burning it, giving in a more harmonious experience, no tobacco residue, and no need to clean the device.
The innovative heating technology in new IQOS ILUMA devices is the Smart core Induction System, which heats the tobacco from within the new TEREA Smart core BRONZE stick
Body Balanced & Refreshing TEREA Mint Intensity: 3/5 3/5 Aroma 3/5 Aromatic Notes: 2/5
Origin Japan
Mint & Vanilla Mint Close Flavor Heat Stick by Marlboro
The revolutionary bladeless SMARTCORE INDUCTION SYSTEMTM is powered by a metal heating element inserted at the core of the tobacco stick.
3/5 intensity for the body 4/5 Aroma 5/5 Aromatic Notes
Menthol and fresh blossom flavors
It tastes like sweet citrus fruit and belongs to the menthol flavor family.
Japan of origin
The IQOS ILUMA Prime, ILUMA, and ILUMA One are all compatible.
You may shatter the capsule midway and experience both flavors since even if you don't smash it, you can still enjoy it as a faintly tropical-flavored menthol.
TEREA Oasis Pearl allows you to enjoy revitalizing menthol before you burst the capsule.
The innovative heating technology in new IQOS ILUMA devices is the Smart core Induction System, which heats the tobacco from within the new TEREA PURPLE WAVE MENTHOL Smart core stick
The Smart core Induction System, which heats the tobacco from within the new TEREA Smart core SIENNAÂ stick, is the innovative heating technology in new IQOS ILUMA devices
The Smart core Induction System, which heats the tobacco from the inside of the new TEREA Smart core SILVER stick, is the innovative heating technology in new IQOS ILUMA devices.